Hey guys, my name is Mikayla, and I'm a student completing this project for a super rad English 102 course. This isn't an ordinary music blog, trust me on that. Because I'm not ordinary, and this blog is me: every character, punctuation mark and space is a thought that has gone through my probably less than mentally sound head and has been metaphorically barfed onto this page for all of you to enjoy! Hooray!
What are you getting yourself into? I have dedicated this blog to review albums from popular genres that I have never taken the time to seriously listen to: country, hip hop, techno and MORE! I'm going to review six different genres during this journey. I want to show that although we might not listen with meaning to every song and genre and artist available to us, we shouldn't bash what other people like because we might just be surprised by what we hear.
So why would I put myself through the task of trying to change people's opinions on something as complex as music? Let me let all of you in on a little secret: I'm a super snobby person (read as: a normal young adult). I have name brand jeans, I delete Instagram posts if they don't get over 70 likes, and before starting this project, I thought I KNEW music, like wholeheartedly. I mean, I always knew other types of music existed, but they weren't good enough for my superior tastes. So if my snobby opinion can be changed, yours can too.
If you're crazy enough to read, you'll get to see all of my super sarcastic reactions, and maybe something I'll even enjoy. I'm hoping to inspire you to do something crazy too and listen to these different genres. Perhaps we'll all be pleasantly surprised. Or they'll totally suck and I was right all along (probable). So if you want new music and want a super cool girl to tell you about it, you've come to the right place. Welcome aboard, it's going to be an interesting ride.
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